Welcome to Cheryl’s Shop of Fabulosity, where we believe in Eating Pink Elephants. A Pink Elephant is your biggest, most audacious goal that has to be broken into small bites and requires you leaning into faith in order to achieve it. Here you’ll find all the services, resources and products you need to advance to your next level of fabulosity. My workshops and bootcamps provide you with the guidance, best practices, tips and tactics. While my journals, calendars, planners, and vision boards are supplemental empowerment tools that help you visualize and map out, day-by-day each necessary step along your journey. Enjoy the process!

I am Cheryl Grace and I believe at work, in love and at home life is meant to be lived fabulously. That’s how I live my life.
But life has not always been this fabulous for me. My starter husband put me and our infant son out of the house after I asked him to take out the trash (true story). I struggled as a single mom for years, until I realized no one was coming to save us. I learned to lean into my own power and began manifesting my own destiny. I completed my MBA, had a successful corporate career. I put my son through college without one penny of student loan debt, and eventually married the king of my dreams. I have spent decades crafting how to turn dreams into goals and goals into a big, fabulous life. My empowerment tools, online courses, workshops and bootcamps are here to make your life easier. You do not have to figure things out on your own. I’m here to help.
Thank you for your purchase. Enjoy your most fabulous life!