Sunday, January 19, 2025
3 pm - 6 pm Central Time
Our wildly popular Vision Board Workshop has changed lives!
Most of us have fleeting ideas of what we want to be, do or have in our lives. But they remain just that: fleeting. After all, who has the time to intentionally get clear about what we want to create?
I do! I do! I'm very intentional about bringing my dreams to life. As are others --like Ellen Degeneres and even Oprah Winfrey --who swear that they INTENTIONALLY created outcomes by using a simple tool: Vision Boards.
A Vision Board is a way to sell your own ideas TO YOURSELF! To anchor your dreams and to allow the magic of manifestation to work in your life. Finally!
As someone who has made my own Vision Boards (and manifested some pretty amazing results -- high six figure income, successfully landing a man and getting married after the age of 50, beautiful vacation home, healthy family, exotic vacations every year) -- I've learned it's more than just slapping a picture onto a poster board. It's about first getting clear on your authentic life, letting go of what's in the way -- and then clearly connecting with your dreams while designing a vision that calls to you.
That's why I'm leading once again the CREATE YOUR LIFE VISION-BOARD VIRTUAL WORKSHOP ... to give you the space you need to INTENTIONALLY define your dreams and create a Vision Board that will effortlessly attract your ideal outcomes to you and help you reach your next level of fabulosity!
Time for contemplation and clarity on what you really want (No more settling for someone else's dreams)
Space and time to map out your ideal outcomes in each area of your life
Directions on how to create SMART goals replete with milestones
Connection with like-minded peers (No Negative Nellies permitted!)
A method to clear out the natural "yuck" that arises (Time to let go!)
Your very own completed Vision Board you can use to effortlessly and immediately begin attracting your ideal outcomes in the months ahead
Three hours of breathing room and dream-time. (The very thing you keep telling yourself you'll give yourself but never do!)
THIS WORKSHOP, WORKS! Previous years attendees boast about the massive results they've gotten in their lives.
Step into your greatness. Join us this year. We're only offering this course TWICE all year!
YOU MAY WANT TO PURCHASE THE 4-IN-1 Vision Board, Journal, Goal Planner and Calendar!